I'm creating a WPF file explorer treeview (in C# 4) and I need it to work with UNC. For example, lets say I have these shared networks folders:


If I only have \\share, how can I determine what shared folders are within that path? \share is not a shared folder in and of itself.

2 Answers 2


Take a look at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/networkshares.aspx. This contains an explanation with working source code.

  • Wouldn't hurt to provide them here.
    – AbiusX
    Sep 8, 2011 at 5:12

use WMI as bellow:

using (System.Management.ManagementClass shareObj = new
  System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection shares =

  foreach (System.Management.ManagementObject share in shares)
    Console.WriteLine("Name: " + share["Name"].ToString());

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