Say I have a bunch of local constants in my code behind that I want to use as headers, for example:

const string TYPE_HEADER = "Type";
const string LOCATION_ HEADER = "Location";


Is there any way I can bind the headers of my DataGridColumns to these like events are bound to local methods, for example:

<data:DataGridTextColumn Header="{Binding TYPE_HEADER}" />

Can this be done? Perhaps by using some dynamic ResourceDictionary or something?

2 Answers 2


the TYPE_HEADER must be a string property (it can be backed by a const). make a container:

public class MyStaticDataProvider
public string TYPE_HEADER { get { return "blkajsd"; } }

below the declaration of your usercontrol:

 <MyNamespace:MyStaticDataProvider x:Key="NameProvider" />

for your header:

Header="{Binding Path=TYPE_HEADER, Source={StaticResource NameProvider}, Mode=OneTime}"

it would be easier if silverlight supported x:Static, but it does not. see Silverlight 4 Equivalent to WPF "x:static"

  • I get "System.Windows.Data.Binding" as my header using this approach.
    – PhilBrown
    Oct 28, 2010 at 12:46

It appears this cannot be done without editing the control template for DataGridTextColumn as Header is not a FrameworkElement...

Dynamically setting the Header text of a Silverlight DataGrid Column

  • well can you do that and then try my solution?
    – Alex Lo
    Oct 28, 2010 at 16:37
  • I tried your solution, I got "System.Windows.Data.Binding" as my header using that approach.
    – PhilBrown
    Oct 28, 2010 at 17:23

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