Have run into jquery question while learning ajax.

$('div_hello'); --> answers an 'Object'

document.getElementById('div_hello'); --> answers an 'HTMLDivElement'

getElementById works ($ does not). For this experiement, I simply want to use innerHTML.

Not clear on how a jquery 'Object' differs from an HTML element. How would I ie set the html of the jquery object?

thank you


3 Answers 3


You can use .html() like this:


Or get the DOM element and use .innerHTML, like this

$('#div_hello')[0].innerHTML = "content";
$('#div_hello').get(0).innerHTML = "content";

Note that your selector should be '#div_hello' like I have above, #id selectors are prefixed with a #, otherwise it's an element selector (and looking for a <div_hello> element).

The jQuery object is just a wrapper, it contains an array of references to DOM elements that it acts on, so think of it as "on top of" the DOM element. This is why [0] gets the element directly, because that element is first in the array that your selector found.

  • Thank you much all, A lot of wheel spinning last night and you cleared it up in 5 mins - works: $('#div_hello').html("<h1>Hello World</h1>"); fails: $('div_hello').html("<h1>Hello World</h1>"); Need the "#" I wonder why w/o the "#" it didn't blow up (result was nop)
    – Gary
    Nov 3, 2010 at 13:59
  • Without the #, you are selecting by element name. $('div') selects all <div> elements. $('#div') selects all elements with an id of "div". $('.div') selects all elements with a CSS class of "div". (I strongly recommend against using HTML element names as element ids or css class names. It just leads to confusion. I used it only for example.) The reason that $('div_hello') is legal is because you could be using the selector on a XML doc, which might have a <div_hello> element. Nov 3, 2010 at 21:04
  • @James - I covered that in the answer :) Nov 3, 2010 at 21:08
  • My bad for skimming too quickly and just jumping to Gary's follow-up where he still seemed confused by why $('div_hello') was failing. Apologies. :) Nov 3, 2010 at 21:13

Not clear on how a jquery 'Object' differs from an HTML element.

A jQuery object is in fact completely different from the underlying DOM element. They are not interchangeable.

You should use the framework's native functions when dealing with $() objects, as Nick shows in his answer.

If you need to access the underlying element though, you can do so using

  • Thank you much all, A lot of wheel spinning last night and you cleared it up in 5 mins - works: $('#div_hello').html("<h1>Hello World</h1>"); fails: $('div_hello').html("<h1>Hello World</h1>"); Need the "#" I wonder why w/o the "#" it didn't blow up (result was nop)
    – Gary
    Nov 3, 2010 at 13:54

(formatted text this time)

Thank you much all,

A lot of wheel-spinning last night and you cleared it up in 5 mins -

works: $('#div_hello').html("

Hello World


fails: $('div_hello').html("

Hello World


Need the "#"

I wonder why w/o the "#" it didn't blow up (result was nop).

Thank you!

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