Is there a way to get the functionality of action filters in asp.net mvc where you can call and manipulate action parameters pre the method executing and post method call to update/view the return type data but in a standard c# class library class method?


1 Answer 1


This sounds a lot like aspect-oriented programming. PostSharp is an example of a tool that can help you get there. A common example is to have a class auto-implement INotifyPropertyChanged, which is boring or tedious, or to spit out a bunch of logging statements before and after a method call, without having to manually write that instrumentation in code.

Hope that gets you on the right track.

  • Tons of great examples here: google.com/… Nov 18, 2010 at 22:20
  • any open source alternative to postsharp you would recommend?
    – monkeylee
    Nov 18, 2010 at 22:39
  • I feel like PostSharp was open source at one time ... maybe it was just free to use. It looks like there is still a community edition that is free. I have used PostSharp in the past and it seems to work well. At a basic level, you could use Castle's DynamicProxy or LinFu, but the use case is different. At least now you know the magic words to search for! :) Nov 18, 2010 at 23:21

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