string src = "portfolio1, portfolio2, portfolio20, portfolio300";

I'd like to match all strings that are of the pattern @"portfolio\d" where \d can be anywhere from 1-3 digits in length. I have read that the use of {a, b} should work, so I tried:

pattern = @"portfolio\d{1, 3}"

Searching in the string, src, for this pattern returned an empty set. the following patterns worked partially:

pattern = @"portfolio\d"
pattern = @"portfolio\d{1}"

3 Answers 3


Try this:

pattern = @"portfolio\d{1,3}"

Note that you should not put a space in between the brackets, as you have in your example. That's why it didn't work right.

String pattern = @"^(?:(?:portfolio\d{1,3})(?:\x2C\s)*)+$";

My attempt. Will match any number of comma-seperated portfolio\d{1,3}'s

  • I attempted this version out of curiosity and was unable to get it to work. There was never a match.
    – DonQuixote
    Jan 4, 2011 at 20:51

Running pattern "portfolio\d{1,3}" in Expresso, I get 4 matches on each of the portfolios. The space did it was the key.

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