so a Ajax call will return some data as html.

I'm creating a element from this data with var comment = $("<ul />").html(data);

Now I want to get the html content from another element inside the comment element I just created above. I'm using var commentbody = comment.find(".comment-body").html();

This works, but the problem is that I get the element's contents only. I want to get the element tags too.

How can I do that?

  • Out of curiosity, why do you need its HTML string?
    – user113716
    Jan 20, 2011 at 1:21
  • @patrick dw: because I want to separate the code from the comment template. If I would get only the comment content text I would have to hardcode my own comment template in the javascript (or a part of it). Initially I wanted to replace the entire list item, but comments can have child comments so that would not work :)
    – Alex
    Jan 20, 2011 at 1:24

1 Answer 1


You can do this:

var commentbody = comment.find(".comment-body");

var outerHTML = commentbody[0].outerHTML || 

Here you first find the .comment-body element you want. Then you access the DOM element with [0] and get its outerHTML property.

If it doesn't have an outerHTML property, then make a clone()(docs) of it, appendTo()(docs) a new <div>, traverse up to the parent()(docs) <div> and get its html()(docs) content.

This answer assumes there's only one .comment-body to be found.


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