I created a shortcode which display the employees, the HTML look somthing like that:

<ul class="employees">

<li><img src=""> <h5>name</h5> <p>description</p></li>
<li><img src=""> <h5>name</h5> <p>description</p></li>


So I created 2 shortcodes:

[start_employee] - which contains <ul class="employee"> .. </ul>

[employee] - which contains content about the employee

And it should work like that:

[employee img=".." name=".." description=".."] 
[employee img=".." name=".." description=".."] 

but when I put it in the wordpress editor the html look like that:

<ul class="employee">
[employee img=".." name=".." description=".."] 
[employee img=".." name=".." description=".."]

I think I know why.. because the fuunction of start_employee contain:

return '<ul class="employee">'.$content.'</ul>';

What should I do that it read it as a shortcode?

Thank you.

  • 1
    Could you perhaps post the complete code of the shortcode's function? It would be easier to help you and it could help better other people looking for similar solutions.
    – AJJ
    Jan 23, 2011 at 12:33

3 Answers 3


Shortcodes do not automatically nest -- you have to call do_shortcode($content) yourself. See the caption_shortcode() example on http://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode_API.


You have to use shortcodes recursively to get the result.

function start_employee($attr,$content){
          return '<ul class="employee">'.do_shortcode($content).'</ul>';

function employee($attr,$content){
          return '<li><img src=""> <h5>name</h5>; <p>description</p></li>';

If you have a recursive function set up, as in Cart66, you can do something like this:

echo do_shortcode('[hide_from level="membership" ]<strong>You may only order this item if you are a member. Become a <a href="http://yoursite.com/beta/member-log-in/">member</a>.</strong>[/hide_from]');
echo do_shortcode('[show_to level="membership"]'.do_shortcode('[add_to_cart item="'.$prefix.get_post_meta($post->ID,'_et_cart66_product_id',true).'" ]').'[/show_to]');

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