I have a Python script which opens a file and processes the contents ultimately creating a separate output file that I need to provide to other individuals. The problem is that this script will need to be run every day, and the file I open with the script will not have the same filename every day. So I know I can't hardcode the filename into the csv.reader(open(...) portion of the script.

While I could always just rename the file I receive to match the filename hardcoded into the script, this is not ideal as I would have to do this every day and I would be manipulating the original file, which is not ok. I am hoping there is an easy solution to modify my script to either open any file that ends with a particular extension (i.e. - .csv), or maybe there is a GUI solution via tkinter or wxpython that I could use to create a simple browse for file interface that will pass the name of the file selected into the portion of the script that opens the file.

Here's a sample of my script that I need to fix:

import csv

bs_ref = csv.reader(open('inputfile_14022011.csv','rb'))

<rest of script then processes the contents of the imported file but is not relevant to the question>

I would like to replace 'inputfile_14022001.csv' with something that allows any filename to potentially be called for that specific part of the script. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find anything useful for creating a file browser interface that can be used to pass the selected filename to a specific portion of my script.

Thank you for any help someone can provide.

  • Are you looking for an interactive solution (with a GUI), or are you looking for something that can run unattended (such as "pick the latest inputfile_*.csv file")? Feb 14, 2011 at 21:21
  • Good question. Probably interactive so that I know the proper file is being processed. There is a ton of data being processed so checking it after the script finishes wouldn't be an easy task. Feb 15, 2011 at 0:16

2 Answers 2


Since you tagged wxpython, it can be something like this (untested) fragment:

from wxPython.wx import *
application = wxPySimpleApp()
dialog = wxFileDialog ( None, style = wxOPEN )
if dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
   print 'Selected:', dialog.GetPath()
   bs_ref = csv.reader(open(dialog.GetPath(),'rb'))
  • I tried this out and it looks like it's working perfectly! Thank you very much. I appreciate your quick reply. Feb 15, 2011 at 0:17
import glob

possible_filenames = glob.glob("*.csv")

# If you expect there to be only ONE file...
the_filename = possible_filenames[0]

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