I have some custom user model, and I count the number of users with name Joe:

c = UserModel.all().filter('name =', 'Joe').count()

Even though I know there is a Joe in the datastore, there is some mistake witch makes c == 0.

This is a problem I'm dealing with, however the biggest problem is that I don't know how to debug this.

I would like to get some query and visualise it somehow, so that I can understand what is there and why Joe is not there:

v = magically_visualise_contents_of(UserModel.all().filter('name =','Joe'))

  • 3
    Have you tried running the query directly in the datastore viewer by GQL? That usually helps identify minor issues
    – Nick Gotch
    Feb 15, 2011 at 21:24
  • ie: SELECT * FROM UserModel WHERE name = 'Joe'
    – Nick Gotch
    Feb 15, 2011 at 21:25
  • @Nick you should add this as an answer because, imho, it's a valid answer Feb 16, 2011 at 7:45

1 Answer 1


Try running the query directly in the datastore viewer by GQL.
That usually helps identify minor issues, for example:

 SELECT * FROM UserModel WHERE name = 'Joe'

Also, one common mistake with string matching is whitespace characters in the data, like "Joe ".

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