identifierListController.nameArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:nameArrayT copyItems:YES];

namearray is array of view controllers. I am reading values from webserver and putting into nameArrayT and then from nameArrayT to nameArray of the 2nd view which I select from the array.

I have tried:

  1. identifierListController.nameArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithArray:nameArrayT copyItems:YES];

  2. identifierListController.nameArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:nameArrayT];

  3. [identifierListController.nameArray addObject:soapResults1];

  4. [identifierListController.nameArray addObjectsFromArray:nameArrayT];

and all is not working for me, as when i am trying to display values of array by using NSLog() its shows null .

Do I have to create an NSString object and then copy that to the array? I hope some one knows how to do this.

Thanks :)

  • are you able to print your original array (nameArrayT)?? Feb 22, 2011 at 10:32
  • What is the property doing? Have you synthesized getter/setter methods for it? Did you implement them yourself? If so, what does the methods look like?
    – user457812
    Feb 22, 2011 at 10:35
  • @lukya "NSLog(@"nameArray : %@",nameArrayT);" values are not there, but something like following coming : nameArrayT : ( "Automatic CSG selection in E-UTRA with CSG list on USIM, success", "Automatic CSG selection in E-UTRA with CSG list on USIM, success", "Automatic CSG selection in E-UTRA with CSG list on USIM, success", "Automatic CSG selection in E-UTRA with CSG list on USIM, success"
    – Pooja
    Feb 22, 2011 at 10:51
  • have u checked identifierListController is correctly allocated ? Feb 22, 2011 at 11:12

2 Answers 2


Try first to allocate the array and then to copy objects:

identifierListController.nameArray = [NSMutableArray new];
[identifierListController.nameArray addObjectsFromArray:nameArrayT];

i hope you have made propery for name array and synthesized it as well,then you just need to do this.

@property(nonatomic,retain)NSMutableArray *nameArray;

and alloc this whether in LoadView,ViewDidLoad as you require.

[identifierListController.nameArray addObjectsFromArray:nameArrayT];

Or use this

NSMutableArray *nameArrayResult= [identifierListController.nameArray addObjectsFromArray:nameArrayT];

Now you can access array contents from nameArrayResult.

This will help you Good luck


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