Requirement: I have a windows application written in C# and I'm trying to add a checkbox to it where if it is checked, than the files from the search will be copied into subdirectories based on zip code.

Problem: When I reference addzipdir_checkBox.Equals(true) from MainForm.cs on a different page SearchProcess.cs I get the error: "addzipdir_checkBox does not exist in the current context". What is the proper way to reference the checkBox_CheckedChanged occurence?

Here's the code on MainForm.cs:

    private void addzipdir_checkBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (addzipdir_checkBox.Equals(true))
           Log("Organize files by zip code.");

        if (addzipdir_checkBox.Equals(false))
           Log("Don't Organize files by zip code.");

Here's the code on SearchProcess.cs generating an error:

        if (addzipdir_checkBox.Equals(true))

            // adds the given lead's agentid and zip code to the targetpath string 
            string targetzipdir = m_sc.get_TargetPath() + "\\" + AgentID + "\\" + ZIP;

            // If the given lead's zip code subdirectory doesn't exist, create it.
            if (!Directory.Exists(targetzipdir))

            targetFileAndPath = m_sc.get_TargetPath() + "\\" + AgentID + "\\" + ZIP + "\\" + fullFileName;
        }   // end if addzipdir_checkBox.Equals(true)
  • 2
    I believe checking the box should update a variable somewhere so that you can reference the variable and not the control which is on a different form. Feb 24, 2011 at 21:45
  • I added the line bool addzipdirectory_checkbox=1; under the first if statement, if (addzipdir_checkBox.Equals(true)) but i still couldn't reference it in the searchprocess.cs file. should i use the invoke statement to bring it in like this m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] { "Search on State: " + m_sc.get_State() }); or if (m_sc.get_SearchAND()==true) { m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] { "Search for All" }); } or bring it in from the Utility.Properties.Settings.Default. area? Feb 25, 2011 at 14:28

2 Answers 2

  • You need to make sure addzipdir_checkBox is public. For this, you need to use the form editor, select the addzipdir_Checkbox and change the property grid 'Modifiers' item to public or internal.

  • Then, you need to find a way to reference the instance of this form, something like this:

    if (myForm.addzipdir_checkBox.Equals(true)) { ... ... }

  • Thanks for the response! I made the modifier property public for addzipdir_Checkbox but when I added if (m_form.addzipdir_checkbox() = 1) I get the error: MainForm doesn't contain definition for addzipdir_checkbox and no extension method addzipdir_Checkbox (are you missing a using directive or assembly reference?). I also tried putting if (m_form.get_addzipdir_checkbox() = 1) and that came up with the same error. Feb 25, 2011 at 14:56
  • My MainForm file is using the following: using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Threading; ---------------------------------- and SearchProcess is using the following: using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Threading; using Com.StellmanGreene.CSVReader; using System.IO; using System.Data; using System.Collections.Generic; Feb 25, 2011 at 14:57
  • @Brian - what's the type of checkbox? Maybe you want to do something like 'if (m_form.addzipdir_checkbox.Checked) {...}' ? Feb 25, 2011 at 15:14
  • that didn't work either. it still doesnt recognize the addzipdir_checkbox value. how do i look up the checkbox type? Feb 25, 2011 at 16:38

I found that if you right click a variable and click "Go To Definition" it's a lot easier to find where the variable is referenced. I right clicked another variable that was called in through the MainForm and found that they were all called through the SearchCriteria file. I had to bring the addzipdir_checkbox value referenced on the MainForm.cs file through the SearchCriteria.cs file and then call it in the SearchProcess.cs file.

Here's my code on the SearchCriteria.cs file:

public class SearchCriteria
    private String Corp;
    private String OrderNumber;
    private String Campaign;
    private String City;
    private String State;
    private String Zip;
    private String SourcePath;
    private String TargetPath;
    private bool SearchOR;
    private bool SearchAND;
    private bool addzipdirectory_checkBox;

    public SearchCriteria()

    public SearchCriteria(String Corp,
                          String OrderNumber,
                          String Campaign,
                          String City,
                          String State,
                          String Zip,
                          String SourcePath,
                          String TargetPath,
                          bool SearchOR,
                          bool SearchAND,
                          bool addzipdirectory_checkBox)              
        this.Corp = Corp;
        this.OrderNumber = OrderNumber;
        this.Campaign = Campaign;
        this.City = City;
        this.State = State;
        this.Zip = Zip;
        this.SourcePath = SourcePath;
        this.TargetPath = TargetPath;
        this.SearchOR = SearchOR;
        this.SearchAND = SearchAND;
        this.addzipdirectory_checkBox = addzipdirectory_checkBox;
    public bool get_addzipdir_checkBox()
        return addzipdirectory_checkBox;
    public void set_addzipdir_checkBox(bool x)
        addzipdirectory_checkBox = x;

Here's my code on the Searchprocess.cs file:

            // Copy the file if ANY of the search criteria have been met
            if (found)

                m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] {"FOUND: Order_No: " + Order_No +
                                                                        " barcode: " + barcode +
                                                                        " MailerCode: " + MailerCode +
                                                                        " AgentID: " + AgentID +
                                                                        " City: " + City +
                                                                        " State: " + State +
                                                                        " ZIP: " + ZIP});

                //passes values to TransferFile 
                TransferFile(directory, barcode, AgentID, ZIP);
        } // end for that finds each matching record 


    // find and copy the file to the target directory string ZIP
    private void TransferFile(string sourceDir, string filename, string AgentID, string ZIP)
        string fullFileName = filename + ".pdf";
        string fullFileNameAndPath = sourceDir + "\\" + fullFileName;
        string targetFileAndPath;

        if (m_sc.get_addzipdir_checkBox()==true)

            // adds the given lead's agentid and zip code to the targetpath string 
            string targetzipdir = m_sc.get_TargetPath() + "\\" + AgentID + "\\" + ZIP;

            // If the given lead's zip code subdirectory doesn't exist, create it.
            if (!Directory.Exists(targetzipdir))

            targetFileAndPath = m_sc.get_TargetPath() + "\\" + AgentID + "\\" + ZIP + "\\" + fullFileName;
        }   // end if addzipdir_checkBox.Equals(true)

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