I'm using this bit of javascript with json string to send data to flash project

        var flashvars = { 
        xmlFile: 'http://iyt.psu.edu/xml/abington/home.xml',
        preface: 'http://iyt.psu.edu/',
        preload: '{"url":"flash/project.swf","x":"375","y":"237","link":"home","tween":{"prop":"y","begin":"0","finish":"-200","duration":"1"}}'

however the preload line causes problems in IE anyone have any idea what I"m might be doing wrong besides using IE ; ^ )

  • Why do you have a json string in a json object?
    – erjiang
    Mar 1, 2011 at 20:50
  • Well... you are using IE. But you already know that. ;)
    – BastiBen
    Mar 1, 2011 at 20:50
  • Is preload property supposed to be string or object? If object it should not be enclosed between quotes (single quotes around the { ... }.
    – amit_g
    Mar 1, 2011 at 20:50
  • Neither IE7 nor IE8 complain about that code when I try it. I suggest that the problem diagnosis may need reexamination.
    – Pointy
    Mar 1, 2011 at 20:52
  • @mcgrailm - clarify something please: does IE complain about the code you posted, or about the string value of "preload" when you pass it to some JSON decoder or something?
    – Pointy
    Mar 1, 2011 at 20:54

3 Answers 3


If there is a trailing comma and you are using FireFox or a Webkit based browser then everything will look fine. But in IE any trailing commas with no more object properties will cause a problem that may not be so obvious.

This will fail. see the extra comma at the end:

var flashvars = { 
        "xmlFile" : "http://iyt.psu.edu/xml/abington/home.xml",
        "preface" : "http://iyt.psu.edu/",
        "preload" : "{'url': 'flash/project.swf' , 'x': '375 ', 'y': '237', 'link': 'home', 'tween' : {'prop':'y','begin' : '0', 'finish' : '-200' , 'duration' : '1' }}",

Also properly formatted JSON that passes the http://www.jslint.com/ test never hurts.

var flashvars = { 
        "xmlFile" : "http://iyt.psu.edu/xml/abington/home.xml",
        "preface" : "http://iyt.psu.edu/",
        "preload" : "{'url': 'flash/project.swf' , 'x': '375 ', 'y': '237', 'link': 'home', 'tween' : {'prop':'y','begin' : '0', 'finish' : '-200' , 'duration' : '1' }}"

But the JSON you pasted in looks ok. Also, maybe an apostrophe was included from a Word document.

  • changing the quotes around fixes the problem of ie passing the stirng probperly but then my actionsript json decoder breaks var jsonData:Object = JSON.decode(jsontext) ;
    – mcgrailm
    Mar 1, 2011 at 22:35
  • this helped me out so +1 to you
    – mcgrailm
    Mar 4, 2011 at 21:18

Maybe it’s the / that needs to be escaped in JSON strings.

  • It doesn't have to be valid JSON; it's a JavaScript assignment statement. The contents of the "preload" variable looks like JSON to me, though strictly speaking JSON does require forward slash to be escaped (I don't know why).
    – Pointy
    Mar 1, 2011 at 20:53
  • @Darin Dimitrov: According to RFC 4627 it isn’t.
    – Gumbo
    Mar 1, 2011 at 20:54
  • great to know. Thanks for pointing this out. I wonder if this is the culprit here. Mar 1, 2011 at 20:56
  • Well according to the OP's latest comments, it's just a JavaScript error of some sort. (Maybe.)
    – Pointy
    Mar 1, 2011 at 21:00

actually you should encode the json string using server side or javascript tool and then AS3 will automatically decode it:

for example in JSP:

var flashvars = { 
        xmlFile: 'http://iyt.psu.edu/xml/abington/home.xml',
        preface: 'http://iyt.psu.edu/',
        preload: '<c:out value="{"url":"flash/project.swf","x":"375","y":"237","link":"home","tween":{"prop":"y","begin":"0","finish":"-200","duration":"1"}}'" />'

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