I have several strings that are being combined to make a URI. I want to ensure that the resulting URI is as simple as possible. For example, given

str1 = "/dir1/dir2";
str2 = "./dir3/";

I want to end up with "/dir1/dir2/dir3/" not "/dir1/dir2/./dir3/".

Is there a Java library that performs this kind of simplification?

4 Answers 4


try the class java.net.URI

  URI uri = new URI("http://localhost/");      

JDK7 has a Path.normalize method which removes redundant name elements from a path. It also contains Path.resolve which can be used to join two paths.

Take a look at the Java Tutorial | Path Operations for more information.


I guess URI can don that kind of job, no ?


If the URI class doesn't do what you want, there is more flexibility and power in the UriBuilder class.

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