I created many menu commands in VIM.

. repeats the last command in normal mode.
@: repeats the last command from commandline

Is there a way to repeat the last command invoked from vim's menu?


example menu command:

an 98.80.00 &MyMenu.Test\ :call <SID>Test("%")<CR>

If I use this Menu Command created by myself, how can I repeat it again (repeat last used menu command)?
In above case it would be :call <SID>Test("%")<CR>
I can't find these commands in command line history.
@: and :<UP> doesn't work

Does anyone know where Vim saves function calls/menu commands actions?


Kent proposed to build a function around the above command:

an 98.80.00 &MyMenu.Test\ :call SubExe('call <SID>Test("%")')<CR>

 function! SubExe(argument)
  let g:lastcommand = a:argument
  exe g:lastcommand

It seems to work, the disadvantage is that I have to change all current commands ;)

  • I always thought it would be great if I can repeat a group of commands, rather than just the last command. The answer to this is obviously using macros (qa<set of commands>q then @a to repeat), but I was looking for something easier and faster. Can't you use macros?
    – Rafid
    Mar 17, 2011 at 8:27
  • Yes, but if I'm not mistaken you have to create a macro for every menu command that you need to repeat.
    – Reman
    Mar 17, 2011 at 10:08
  • Yes, that's write, but I suppose you wouldn't need that frequently, yeah? Otherwise, just map a key to the menu command then keep pressing that key.
    – Rafid
    Mar 21, 2011 at 10:06

2 Answers 2


If there is no built-in support, you have to build one on your own, if it is so important to you. Basic idea is:

You create a function, like ExecMenuCmd(cmd) the argument is the command, like wq, in the function, you save the command into a variable, then execute it.

Then you can create mapping to "repeat" last menu cmd by reading the variable and execute.

When you create menu items, you do something like:

:menu File.SaveAndExit :call ExecMenuCmd('wq')

If you like, you could maintain a stack to store the commands triggered by menu, to implement more features.

  • Hi Kent, Tnx for replying. This would mean that I have to change all commands I created, isn't it? In above example the command would be :call ExecMenuCmd(':call <SID>Test("%")<CR>') isn't it? And in this function I execute :call <SID>Test("%")<CR> is that correct? Btw Is it not possible to capture also the command in the invoked function (Test()) and put it in a variable?
    – Reman
    Aug 11, 2014 at 13:39
  • you can exec a :call F("arg") like exec 'call F("arg")'. yes you need change the menu creation lines, if the feature is important enough for you. @Remonn
    – Kent
    Aug 11, 2014 at 13:49
  • 1
    @Remonn you can make a list, to push every command in. when you want to repeat, pop it out. it give you the possibility to track the command history. but it is further than your requirement.
    – Kent
    Aug 11, 2014 at 16:41
  • 1
    @Remonn what I can think of, when you define your menu command, better not define normal things. E.g. your example could be done by wincmd Again, the function is a work round. You have to check different situations to do corresponding handling.
    – Kent
    Aug 17, 2014 at 17:15
  • 1
    @Remonn I don't know what do you want, if you want to do <C-W>T you could do with wincmd and your function: execute 'wincmd T' this does Move the current window to a new tab page.
    – Kent
    Aug 18, 2014 at 9:10

You could make a mapping in your .vimrc for entering the command mode, and then running the last command. Something like:

noremap <F8> :<Up><Cr>

That will repeat the last thing you ran from command mode whenever you press F8 in normal mode. You can change F8 to whatever you want.

  • @: will do the same , without any mapping
    – mb14
    Mar 28, 2011 at 13:21
  • 1
    @mb14, thank you. I regret that it still doesn't work with menu commands calling a function.
    – Reman
    Apr 7, 2011 at 10:08

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