Can I from Dojo or plain JavaScript anyhow to read some value stored in session ? I stored in php in session if user is logged or not but I need to read this on my page with Dojo . Can I do that and how ?

  • 2
    you can echo it out to javascript or html like var myvar = "<?php echo $_SESSION['myvar']; ?>";
    – KJYe.Name
    Mar 21, 2011 at 15:04

1 Answer 1


The session information is stored on the server. One way you can retrieve it using Dojo would be to create a PHP page that returns that variable to you and make an AJAX call from Dojo.

    load: function(response) {
        alert("got: " + response.responseText);

And then your PHP file would look something like this:

    echo $_SESSION[$_GET['var']];

Note that this will allow you to get any variable from the session. You may want to have your PHP page only return the value of a specific variable.

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