I have created resource dictionary and code behind file for it. In XAML I have defined command binding and added Executed handler:

<Button Grid.Row="2" Width="100" >
  <CommandBinding Command="Search" Executed="CommandBinding_Executed" />

Here is code behind:

partial class StyleResources : ResourceDictionary {

        public StyleResources() {
        private void CommandBinding_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) {
            //this is never executed

I don't know why is command not executing when button is clicked, and also, why is button enabled when I didn't set CanExecute to true. I have also tried to set it to true, but CanExecute event didn't fire as well. Here is how I am using the resource dictionary:

public partial class MyWindow : Window {
        public MyWindow() {
            Uri uri = new Uri("/WPFLibs;component/Resources/StyleResources.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
            ResourceDictionary Dict = Application.LoadComponent(uri) as ResourceDictionary;
            this.Style = Dict["WindowTemplate"] as Style;

1 Answer 1


This is not how you bind commands to buttons. It should look something like this:

    <CommandBinding Command="Search" 
                    CanExecute="Search_CanExecute" />
  <Button Grid.Row="2" Width="100" Command="Search" />

And in codebehind:

private void Search_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) {
    // do something

private void Search_CanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) {
    e.CanExecute = ...; // set to true or false

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