Is there any function in stl that joins two std::queue objects?

  • Do you really need to use a queue? If you use an std::list instead you could splice the two lists in constant time (that's assuming that they don't need to be sorted).
    – GWW
    May 2, 2011 at 20:45
  • 2
    What would it mean to do so? How would entries be ordered in the merged queue?
    – user2100815
    May 2, 2011 at 20:52

2 Answers 2


The std::queue adapter doesn't support iteration so you'd actually have to roll your own method to do this. But given that you need this functionality, you should probably consider a different container. If you need random access, the probably std::deque. If you only need front/back access like a queue consider std::list which can be spliced together in constant time.

  • 5
    Except using a list will only be beneficial if he splices large lists often, because a list is much slower doing everything else.
    – GManNickG
    May 2, 2011 at 20:56

There does not seem to be any options provided in stl, but I can think of some other things you can write yourself:

  1. Write your own code to read one queue into another, but this is O(n).

  2. Use std::copy to manipulate the underlying std::deque containers, again O(n).

  3. Create your own container which is implemented in terms of std::queue, but can maintain multiple queues to simulate a join in O(1).

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