Suppose I want to make one application in Object Oriented Programing language let i.e. Java

what is the better thing to do from following?

--Either Use Relational Database i.e. mySQL + Object Relation mapping i.e. Hibernate


--Use Object Oriented Database i.e. db4o


1 Answer 1


Well that depends on the application, the data-set etc etc.

Both systems have their advantage. Take also a look at this older stack-overflow question.

Here's a few advantages of each system.


  • Lots of tools & libraries available for this combination.
  • Lots of experience and knowledge available: Tutorials, Q&As, best pratices and people which can help are there.
  • Fast for 'flat' data and 'reporting'-kinds of operations.
  • Many languages, tools and libraries can talk to a RDBMS


  • Faster than a RDBMS + ORM for nested, complex datasets.
  • No complex mapping required.

Drawbacks of each system:


  • Mapping between relational and objects is not trivial. Can lead to all kinds of performance issues.


  • Much, much smaller community and less tools.

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