how can i get all child element(like radio,checkbox,select,text,...) within a form and make them blank using javascript. My form has many other elements like table,div etc. but i dont want to changes on these other element.

Any suitable idea to get these child element(form element) through the form name(frmlist) or form id(frmlist) and make them blank. Actually i have no idea previously that how many elements are there in form and what are the names/ids of these element.

Thanks a lot...

  • 1
    Do you have an specific need for it to be JS? Is the reset button not enough? <input type="reset" />
    – Katsuke
    Jun 14, 2011 at 6:21

6 Answers 6


Try something like this:

Example Form:

<form name="data_entry" action="#">
    Company Name: <input type="text" name="company_name">
    Select Business Type: <input type="radio" name="business_category" value="1"> Manufacturer
    <input type="radio" name="business_category" value="2"> Whole Sale Supplier
    <input type="radio" name="business_category" value="3"> Retailer
    <input type="radio" name="business_category" value="4"> Service Provider
    Email Address: <input type="text" size="30" name="email">
    Keep Information Private: <input type="checkbox" name="privacy">
    <input type="button" name="reset_form" value="Reset Form" onclick="this.form.reset();">
    <input type="button" name="clear" value="Clear Form" onclick="clearForm(this.form);">

Example Javascript:

for (i = 0; i < frm_elements.length; i++) {
    field_type = frm_elements[i].type.toLowerCase();
    switch (field_type) {
    case "text":
    case "password":
    case "textarea":
    case "hidden":
        frm_elements[i].value = "";
    case "radio":
    case "checkbox":
        if (frm_elements[i].checked) {
            frm_elements[i].checked = false;
    case "select-one":
    case "select-multi":
        frm_elements[i].selectedIndex = -1;

From Using Javascript to Reset or Clear Form.

  • Hello Michael Robinson frm_elements is what ? is form name ? Jun 14, 2011 at 5:59
  • @BajrangLal: It's explained well in the tutorial I linked to Jun 14, 2011 at 6:01

Sometimes we forget about old solutions. Why not ditch the javascript here and use:

<input type="reset" value = "CLEAR all"/>

see this jsfiddle

  • Actually when page is submited using php on same page then the reset button is not working as reset. I tried it. Jun 14, 2011 at 6:26
  • That would indicate a flaw in [the rest of] your code, I suppose.
    – KooiInc
    Jun 14, 2011 at 6:35
  • @Kooilnc - This would work if all of the input elements were "blank" as per his original question. Unfortunately, type="reset" resets the form to it's original state which means that if a field already had a value in it originally (not entered by the user), it wouldn't be "blank." Jun 14, 2011 at 7:25
  • @Francois: I understand that. But the OP asked "how can i get all child element(like radio,checkbox,select,text,...) within a form and make them blank using javascript"
    – KooiInc
    Jun 14, 2011 at 7:57
  • @Kooilnc - "Blank" (or empty) isn't back to default (which is what the reset button does.) Jun 14, 2011 at 15:23

You should consider using jQuery. It would be as simple as doing:

  .not(':button, :submit, :reset, :hidden')
  • Francois Deschenes ! how can i use it ? Jun 14, 2011 at 6:07
  • Go to jQuery's website and download it. Once downloaded, add a <script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/jquery.min.js"></script> in the HEAD of your page. You'll then need to add a function to an element's event to trigger the function. For example, if you want a ekement to trigger the action when you click it, you'd want $(function() { $('#buttonID').click(function() { ... }); }); where #buttonID is the ID attribute value of the element and ... is the code above. Of course you'd want the code in a <script> tag. Jun 14, 2011 at 6:10
  • @Jeff - I'm not forgetting select. All SELECT elements' values will be set to "" (an empty string). The .not() defines the types of :input not to include. jQuery defines :input as any input element including select, textarea, checkboxes, etc... Jun 14, 2011 at 6:14

Use the following function to get all forms elements

 function getAllFormFields(node)
    var allFormFields = new Array;
    var x = node.getElementsByTagName('input');
    for (var i=0;i<x.length;i++)
     var y = node.getElementsByTagName('option');
     for (var i=0;i<y.length;i++)
     return allFormFields;

i have been viewing quiksmode.org, the function idea is from quirksmode.org


The simplest method is to add a reset button to the form (per KooiInc's answer), it will return all controls to their default value with no scripting at all:

<input type="reset">

and you're done.

If you must use script (heaven knows why), call the form's reset method:

<input type="button" value="Reset" onclick="this.form.reset()">

The other part of your question is how to get all the controls in a form when it also contains other elements (forms must contain a block element as a child to be valid). HTML form elements have an elements collection that is all the controls in the form. It is a simple property access, no functions or filtering required:

var allControls = form.elements;

Simple enough. :-)


I know this is an old question but in case anybody came searching, a quicker oneliner code in his situation would be:


Note the array accessor [0]. The element returned is the frmlist form which you then call reset() on. This resets all the fields in the form to their default value.

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