Here is my problem

In a single PHP file, demonstrate a regular expression to convert "123 Tree Street, Connecticut" into "123_tree_street_connecticut".

I have successfully replace spaces and comma with _, but unable to change character case using Regular expression in php.

what i have did is

echo preg_replace('/(,\s|\s)/', '_', '123 Tree Street, Connecticut');

It replaces spaces and commas with _ but not able to change it's case.

Can any one guide me to how it is done Using php and regular expression only.


  • 3
    do you have to do it with regular expressions? Jun 17, 2011 at 9:05
  • 1
    This is not a good problem to be solved with regular expressions, use strtolower instead.
    – Jens
    Jun 17, 2011 at 9:05
  • 1
    Sounds like homework. If it is, it would be polite to say so and show what you've done so far. Jun 17, 2011 at 9:07

4 Answers 4


Since the regex replacement will use the strtolower() function, I see no reason to not just do it all with simple string functions:


$str = '123 Tree Street, Connecticut';
$str = strtolower(str_replace(array(', ', ' '), '_', $str));



If strtolower() is not "allowed", you could perform a shift based on the character table distance between upper- and lowercase letters. It's not pretty but it seems to work (in this specific case):


function shiftToLower($char) {
    $ord = ord($char);
    return $ord < 65 || $ord > 90 ? '_' : chr($ord + 32); // 65 = A, 90 = Z

$str = '123 Tree Street, Connecticut';
$str = preg_replace('/([, ]+|[A-Z])/e', "shiftToLower('\\1')", $str);



Use strtolower function instead.


Input :

// either use this //
echo str_replace(',', '', str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower("123 Tree Street, Connecticut")));

echo "\n";

// or use this //
echo str_replace(array(', ', ' '), '_', strtolower("123 Tree Street, Connecticut"));

Output :


Hope this helps you. Thanks!!


I am not sure there is any built-in regex solution for to change the case. But I think you can do it by hands by writing a new regex for every character.

Converting to upper case example:

$new_string = preg_replace(
    array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', ....),
    array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', ....),

I think you got the point.

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