I'm a bit of a Rails n00b so sorry if this is a really stupid question.

There are two key Models in this app:

  • Activity - which contains details such as recipient country, funding organisation
  • Transaction - which contains details such as how much money (value) was committed or disbursed (transaction_type), when, to whom, etc.

All Transactions nest under an Activity. Each Activity has multiple Transactions. They are connected together by activity_id. has_many :transactions and belongs_to :activity are defined in the Activity and Transaction Models respectively.

So: all of this works great when I'm trying to get details of transactions for a single activity - either when looking at a single activity (activity->show) or looping through activities on the all activities page (activity->index). I just call

@activities.each do |activity|
    activity.transactions.each do |transaction|
        transaction.value # do something like display it

But what I now really want to do is to get the sum of all transactions for all activities (subject to :conditions for the activity).

What's the best way to do this? I guess I could do something like:

@totalvalue = 0
@activities.each do |activity|
    activity.transactions.each do |transaction|
        @totalvalue = @totalvalue + transaction.value

... but that doesn't seem very clean and making the server do unnecessary work. I figure it might be something to do with the model...?! sum() is another option maybe?

This has partly come about because I want to show the total amount going to each country for the nice bubbles on the front page :)

Thanks very much for any help!


Thanks for all the responses! So, this works now:

@thiscountry_activities.each do |a|
    @thiscountry_value = @thiscountry_value + a.transactions.sum(:value)

But this doesn't work:

@thiscountry_value = @thiscountry_activities.transactions.sum(:value)

It gives this error:

undefined method `transactions' for #<Array:0xb5670038>

Looks like I have some sort of association problem. This is how the models are set up:

class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base
    belongs_to :activity

class Activity < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_and_belongs_to_many :policy_markers
    has_and_belongs_to_many :sectors
    has_many :transactions

I think this is probably quite a simple problem, but I can't work out what's going on. The two models are connected together via id (in Activity) and activity_id (in Transactions).

Thanks again!


5 Answers 5


Use Active Record's awesome sum method, available for classes:


Or, like you want, associations:

  • Sorry, I keep accidentally hitting Enter rather than Shift+Enter... Thanks a lot for your suggestions. I think this is right, but something weird is happening. This works: @thiscountry_activities.each do |a| @thiscountry_value = @thiscountry_value + a.transactions.sum(:value) end This doesn't: @thiscountry_value = @thiscountry_activities.transactions.sum(:value) It gives the error: undefined method `transactions' for #<Array:0xb53e361c> What am I doing wrong?
    – Mark
    Jun 17, 2011 at 10:48

Let the database do the work:

@total_value = Transaction.sum(:value)

This gives the total for all transactions. If you have some activities already loaded, you can filter them this way:

@total_value = Transaction.where(:activity_id => @activities.map(&:id)).sum(:value)

You can do it with one query:

@total_value = Transaction.joins(:activity).where("activities.name" => 'foo').sum(:value)

My code was getting pretty messy summing up virtual attributes. So I wrote this little method to do it for me. You just pass in a collection and a method name as a string or symbol and you get back a total. I hope someone finds this useful.

def vsum collection, v_attr # Totals the virtual attributes of a collection
  total = 0
  collection.each { |collect| total += collect.method(v_attr).call } 
  return total

# Example use

total_credits = vsum(Account.transactions, :credit)

Of course you don't need this if :credit is a table column. You are better off using the built in ActiveRecord method above. In my case i have a :quantity column that when positive is a :credit and negative is a :debit. Since :debit and :credit are not table columns they can't be summed using ActiveRecord.


As I understood, you would like to have the sum of all values of the transaction table. You can use SQL for that. I think it will be faster than doing it the Ruby way.

select sum(value) as transaction_value_sum from transaction;

  • Yeah almost, except that only where they are part of @activities[:conditions=>@conditions]. Maybe SQL would be sensible anyway, but the tricky bit is from the association with the Activity I think.
    – Mark
    Jun 17, 2011 at 11:01

You could do

@total_value = activity.transactions.sum(:value)


  • Thanks a lot for your suggestions. I think this is right, but something weird is happening. This works: @thiscountry_activities.each do |a| @thiscountry_value = @thiscountry_value + a.transactions.sum(:value) end This doesn't: @thiscountry_value = @thiscountry_activities.transactions.sum(:value) It gives the error: undefined method transactions' for #<Array:0xb53e361c>` What am I doing wrong?
    – Mark
    Jun 17, 2011 at 11:00
  • How are you setting the value of @thiscountry_activities?
    – Dogbert
    Jun 17, 2011 at 11:06
  • In the view: @thiscountry_activities = Activity.all(:conditions=>@conditions_countries_codes) I set @activities in the controller in a similar way, and it doesn't like that either. The @conditions are mostly from params, so that it only shows the activities that conform to whatever filters the user has added.
    – Mark
    Jun 17, 2011 at 11:13
  • @Mark: The association for transactions in on a SINGLE activity, not on many of them. You're calling transactions on the Array representing all the Activity objects here.
    – Ryan Bigg
    Jun 17, 2011 at 22:11

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