I'm using Subsonic 2.1 and I'm having an error with the next query:

SqlQuery queryResTitle = new Select(
    new Aggregate(ResTitle.ResourceTitleIDColumn, "ResourceTitleID", AggregateFunction.GroupBy),
    new Aggregate(ResTitle.ResourceTitleColumn, "ResourceTitle", AggregateFunction.GroupBy),
    new Aggregate(VenVendor.TitleColumn, "Title", AggregateFunction.GroupBy),
    new Aggregate(ResTitleStatus.StatusColumn, "Status", AggregateFunction.GroupBy))
  .InnerJoin(ResTitleStatus.ResourceTitleIDColumn, ResTitle.ResourceTitleIDColumn)
  .LeftOuterJoin(VenVendor.VendorIDColumn, ResTitle.VendorIDColumn);

I'm getting the error:

"The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP or FOR XML is also specified"

I also added .Top("1") but I still got the same error.

  • How is ResTitleOngoing linked with the other tables? Looks like there's a join missing. Though I still don't see where the ORDER BY is coming from - can you post the generated SQL?
    – marapet
    Jun 21, 2011 at 11:58
  • What database are you using? (add it to the tags) Jun 22, 2011 at 12:47

1 Answer 1


You should debug the generated query that SubSonic returns:

var queryString = queryResTitle.BuildSqlStatement();

and execute it in your favorite database administration tool. Maybe you can figure out what's going wrong.

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