I would like to use the TransactionScope class in my business layer:

In AdminService class:

public void DeleteSchoolclass(Schoolclass schoolclass)
    using (var trans = new TransactionScope())


When I debug both Delete methods abouve the Transaction property of each Delete command object inside the dataprovider is NULL so it seems there is no transaction... How can I find out wether a Transaction is used or not?

Wen I debug the transactionscope object I dont find any Connection...

TransactionScope seems like magic...

Thats a method in my DataAccess class:

public static SQLiteConnection ConnectionManager
        if (_con == null)
            _con = new SQLiteConnection(@"Data Source=C:\TBM\Database\dev.db");

            SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sqlString, _con);

        return _con;

my connection is always open as it would make no sense closing it for every sql command having a single threaded application.


public void AddPupil(int schoolclassCodeID, Pupil pupil)
            using (SQLiteTransaction trans = DataAccess.ConnectionManager.BeginTransaction())
                using (SQLiteCommand com = new SQLiteCommand(DataAccess.ConnectionManager))
                    com.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@FirstName", pupil.FirstName));
                    com.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@LastName", pupil.LastName));
                    com.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@Gender", pupil.Gender));
                    com.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@Street", pupil.Street));
                    com.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@City", pupil.City));
                    com.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@Postal", pupil.Postal));
                    com.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@Phone", pupil.Phone));
                    com.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@SchoolclassId", schoolclassCodeID));

                    com.CommandText = "INSERT INTO PUPIL (Firstname,LastName,Gender,Street,City,Postal,Phone,SchoolclassId_FK)" +
                                        " VALUES(@FirstName,@LastName,@Gender,@Street,@City,@Postal,@Phone,@SchoolclassId)";

                    com.CommandText = "SELECT last_insert_rowid() as lastID";
                    pupil.Id = Convert.ToInt32(com.ExecuteScalar());

2 Answers 2


Transaction.Current will tell you whether there is an active transaction.

Only once a connection is opened within a transaction scope will it be included in the transaction.


  • When I look at the current Transaction and the TransactionInformation I see the CreateTime of the transaction 2 hours ago before I just run my app in visual studio. It seems my TransactionScope is not working because then there would be written another time. I am having a STA app here with sqlite and a singleton connection which only closes when the app closes. What could cause that Transaction to have such a unrealistic time?
    – msfanboy
    Jun 25, 2011 at 19:31
  • In this scenario a TransactionScope will not work. You have to open the connection within the scope; else it doesn't know about it. There really is nothing wrong with opening and then disposing a connection for each batch. You could use another method to create the connection and use the created connection within your 'providers'. As the link abatishchev provided mentions: if you create another connection within the scope the transaction may be escalated to a distributed transaction --- it depends on how SQLite works (I don't know it at all). Good luck :)
    – Eben Roux
    Jun 25, 2011 at 20:33
  • @Eben Then explain this => Well when I do the first Delete method in my dataprovider the data is not deleted until trans.commit() is called. When the 2nd delete method throws a provokated exception by me the first delete statement is not executed either. So I guess the transaction must/should work. What do you think?
    – msfanboy
    Jun 25, 2011 at 20:37
  • That's weird. Are you not using explicit transactions in your '*Providers? Either that or your singleton connection is created in the first call --- in which case it will be part of the transaction scope transaction.
    – Eben Roux
    Jun 26, 2011 at 7:16
  • @Eben I removed all explicit SQLiteTransaction from my DataProvider classes. Now my Service classes use everywhere a using Transactionscope for create,delete,update methods. What I found out now is this:.......... 1.) When I firstly call using (var trans = new TransactionScope()) and within that Transactionscope I do 2 delete methods in the dataprovider and each one is doing DataAccess.ConnectionManager for getting the connection THEN the Transaction.Current is NOT null.
    – msfanboy
    Jun 26, 2011 at 8:09

IIRC, TransactionScope is tightly bound with Distributes Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC). So be aware, especially if you're using SQLite.

All so see a number of other questions on SO, e.g. this.

  • You throw at me a link which doesnt help me at all as I do Sqlite... a STA app as I wrote.
    – msfanboy
    Jun 25, 2011 at 19:55
  • TransactionScope will only escalate to Distributed if a second connection is needed (SQL2005) or if a second connection on a different DB / resource is needed (SQL 2008)
    – StuartLC
    Aug 20, 2011 at 10:35
  • @nonnb: Do you have any links to confirm? Very interesting. Aug 20, 2011 at 17:38
  • Your link (stackoverflow.com/questions/1690892/…) confirms the unnecessary 2005 escalations. DTC is needed as soon as more than one resource manager (e.g. SQL and MSMQ) is involved in an ACID transaction - e.g. here - geekswithblogs.net/dotnetrodent/archive/2008/04/16/121279.aspx.
    – StuartLC
    Aug 21, 2011 at 15:26

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