I stumbled upon this problem I was unable to solve without resorting to raw SQL, but I did not want to rewrite the entire query.
Following is a description on how you can augment a queryset with an external raw sql, without having to care about the actual query that generates the queryset.
Here's a typical scenario: You have a reddit like site with a LinkPost model and a UserPostVote mode, like this:
class LinkPost(models.Model):
some fields....
class UserPostVote(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User,related_name="post_votes")
post = models.ForeignKey(LinkPost,related_name="user_votes")
value = models.IntegerField(null=False, default=0)
where the userpostvote table collect's the votes of users on posts.
Now you're trying to display the front page for a user with a pagination app, but you want the arrows to be red for posts the user has voted on.
First you get the posts for the page:
post_list = LinkPost.objects.all()
paginator = Paginator(post_list,25)
posts_page = paginator.page(request.GET.get('page'))
so now you have a QuerySet posts_page generated by the django paginator that selects the posts to display. How do we now add the annotation of the user's vote on each post before rendering it in a template?
Here's where it get's tricky and I was unable to find a clean ORM solution. select_related won't allow you to only get votes corresponding to the logged in user and looping over the posts would do bunch queries instead of one and doing it all raw mean's we can't use the queryset from the pagination app.
So here's how I do it:
q1 = posts_page.object_list.query # The query object of the queryset
q1_alias = q1.get_initial_alias() # This forces the query object to generate it's sql
(q1str, q1param) = q1.sql_with_params() #This gets the sql for the query along with
#parameters, which are none in this example
we now have the query for the queryset, and just wrap it, alias and left outer join to it:
q2_augment = "SELECT B.value as uservote, A.*
from ("+q1str+") A LEFT OUTER JOIN reddit_userpostvote B
ON A.id = B.post_id AND B.user_id = %s"
q2param = (request.user.id,)
posts_augmented = LinkPost.objects.raw(q2_augment,q1param+q2param)
voila! Now we can access post.uservote for a post in the augmented queryset.
And we just hit the database with a single query.
and thenFoo.objects.exclude(userfoo__user=request.user)
but looking for other possibilitiesexclude
and notfilter
in your query above? Isn't the point to findFoo
s related to the user? And what do you mean by "annotated"? Your use here is confusing, since Django has a very specific definition of annotation, specifically "describes an aggregate that is to be calculated."exclude
is that theUserFoo
filter already gives me the ones related to the user; I want theFoo
s that aren't related to the user too as it's a left outer join