currently I'm having a problem with my javascript in IE 8. I have two checkboxes, if I check one, the other one is unchecked. This works fine so far. In IE8 the visual change is only rendered, after I do a right click on that site for example. Please see http://jsbin.com/usodik/9 for an example. Anybody any hint to fix this?


  • Then why don't you use radio?
    – mihsathe
    Jul 5, 2011 at 5:02
  • It's only a snippet. It has to be a checkbox :)
    – SaschaJohn
    Jul 5, 2011 at 5:07
  • Nevermind, posting here gave me a fresh view. The problem is caused by using the onchange, which fires later in IE than in FF and Chrome. I'm thinking of just setting the event to onClick
    – SaschaJohn
    Jul 5, 2011 at 5:09

1 Answer 1


Use this code:

function togglePrefixVisibility() {
    if (jQuery('#friendlyNames').is(':checked')){
        jQuery('#friendlyNames').attr('checked', false);

function toggleNameVisibility() {
    if (jQuery('#prefixes').is(':checked')){
        jQuery('#prefixes').attr('checked', false);

General guildelines:

  • Always check/uncheck a checkbox with .attr('checked', false) or .attr('checked', true). Don't use attr('checked') or removeAttr(), because attribute values reference to the ones set in html markup, not runtime.
  • Always ask if a checkbox/radio is checked with .is(":checked") for the same reasons

And also use onclick instead of onchange in your checkboxes to call this functions. I tested it and it's working fine.

Hope this helps. Cheers

  • Edgar, I had the code like this before. Problem is, that the attribute checked has the values [checked,undefined]. It's not a boolean. Is the use of .is() faster?
    – SaschaJohn
    Jul 5, 2011 at 5:16
  • If you pass a boolean parameter, jquery takes in charge of switching the value of the attribute. You can see it in the jquery attr documentation. Jul 5, 2011 at 6:20

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