Could somebody provide an NFC-V tag reading example code? Android Development Guide provides only the NFCDemo code that is for NDEF tag only. There are no resources for all the other kinds of tags. Thanks!

2 Answers 2


Reading block 0 demo working for an 15693 i-code sli

ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

out.write(new byte[] { (byte)0x20, (byte)0x20 }); //addressed mode,  read single blocks,  
out.write(nfcV_tag.getTag().getId()); //address
out.write(new byte[] { (byte)blockIndex }); //block 0

byte errorcode_and_block0[] = nfcV_tag.transceive(out.toByteArray());
//1st byte should be 0 if everything is ok. next 4 bytes are block 0

Well - With Android 2.3.4 you can use the ordinary NDEF format and use the usual android API to write to the tag just like any other ndef complient tag. NFC-V has been the major feature for Android 2.3.4 after all.

If you otherwise want to communicate with the NFC-V tag: It's nothing more then the ISO 15693 standard. You should be able to find the PDUs that this tag understands with a google-search and then you can roll your own implementation if you really want.


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