I know there are some similar quesiton like this on here but they are all about when using


But thats not what I am doing, I am doing:


Which is whats making the difference between this working and not working.

Given a group of Products I want to find all the brands in that group and how many of each brand.

Sounds simple enough, here is what I did:

$fields = array('Product.brand','COUNT(`Product`.`brand`) AS brand_count')
$brand_data = $this->Product->find('list',array(
    'group' => 'Product.brand'

In this I am telling it to give me an array where the Keys are Product.brand and the values are COUNT(Product.brand)

I am getting this:

    [Brand A] => 
    [Brand B] => 
    [Brand C] =>  

When I am expected this:

    [Brand A] => 534
    [Brand B] => 243
    [Brand C] => 172

It works if I do all instead of list though, it just gives me a much more complicated array to drill through. I am fine using all, I just first wanted to see if there was a reason why its not working in list?

  • I also need the same result but only getting the unique records not the counting of the duplicate records. Jun 18, 2019 at 14:04

2 Answers 2


Brief recap: find('list') has problems with aliased fields (and therefore aggregate functions like COUNT() etc.), so you should use CakePHP's 1.3 instead. For CakePHP 1.2 uses there's a contraption.

Detailed: Most likely problem lies in your

COUNT(`Product.brand`) AS brand_count

Because find('list') does

Set::combine($results, $lst['keyPath'], $lst['valuePath'], $lst['groupPath']) 

on results of query, where $lst['valuePath'] would be

"{n}.COUNT(`Product`.`brand`) AS brand_count"

while in results it would be actually "{n}.Product.brand_count" - doesn't line up.

Try making your COUNT() a virtual field.


var $virtualFields = array(
    'brand_count' => 'COUNT(Product.brand)'

$fields = array('Product.brand','Product.brand_count');
  • Thanks, If I made brand_count a virtual field mapping to a COUNT function, then wouldn't that inadvertently group all my other queries as well? Maybe its better I just stick with using all instead of list
    – JD Isaacks
    Jul 15, 2011 at 19:28
  • 1
    No, it would just add COUNT(Product.brand) AS brand_count to all queries (which will essentially returns you count of brands in this query - as you didn's supply a GROUP BY). So it's totally safe. :) To make it clear: COUNT in a query doesn't force a GROUP BY, it just counts all rows with non-NULL value of counted field.
    – lxa
    Jul 15, 2011 at 19:31

In controller in Paginator you can use like this:

 $itemads = $this->paginate($itemads, ['contain' => ['Departments', 'Stores'],'group'=>'upc','fields'=>array("upc_count"=>"COUNT(`upc`)")]);
  • Not working for me. I need the data with the duplicate counting. Jun 18, 2019 at 9:16

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