GMT iran-tehran is +3:30 but why this site: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/asia/iran/tehran/ putting GMT for iran-tehran +4:30?

How to change the GMT in iran? how set yourself clock with change GMT in iran?
MY CODE: http://jsfiddle.net/HZmPg/1/


3 Answers 3


Probably because of DST, it's not the same for every country.


A simple wrong beacuse they show Tehran gmt with Afghanistan (kabul) some times they show Kabul Time with Tehran 3:30 like Microsoft windows.


We (Iranians) in Iran in the first of each year of Shamsi Date move our clocks forward 1 hour Simultaneously [ it means +04:30 ] and on the first day of autumn, we return to the previous state [ it means +03:30 ].

In short, this is to make the most of sunlight.

months 1-6 : +04:30

months 6-12 : +03:30

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