I have a number with decimal places and I am wondering if it's possible to round the decimal to the nearest whole using javascript?

My number is: 4.59

I need my number to round to: 4.60

4 Answers 4


Use Number.toFixed(number of decimal places):

var num = 4.59;
var rounded = num.toFixed(1);
  • Quick, simple, straight to the point. I can't believe how easy it was, I may have been thinking too hard. Thanks! Aug 15, 2011 at 15:09

Use the toFixed() method.

More detailed information at: MDN :: toFixed

  • 3
    Please refrain linking to w3schools, they're not a representative for javascript. Link to MDN instead: developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/…
    – Exelian
    Aug 15, 2011 at 14:34
  • @Exelian - That seems arbitrary to me, especially for those of us who find info @ w3schools and not @ mdn (for example). And, what exactly does 'not a representative for javascript mean'?.
    – KevinDTimm
    Aug 15, 2011 at 14:41
  • I've seen another website w3fools, which also attacked this school, for errors which seem trivial (especially for a beginner). They seem to be on a crusade against them.
    – QuentinUK
    Aug 15, 2011 at 14:43
  • 2
    w3fools outlines some rather misleading errors in w3schools. They are on a crusade against w3schools because they feel that they should be better. I think what Exelian meant by not being 'a representative for javascript' is that w3schools does not shape the development of javascript (unlike w3c, who w3schools pretend to be, or MDN).
    – Spycho
    Aug 15, 2011 at 14:52
  • I can't speak for the quality of w3schools lately, but I stopped using it a long time ago because I kept finding mistakes. From reading some of w3fools, it looks like they still have a lot of inaccurate/misleading information. I've also found minor mistakes in Mozilla's documentation, but it's generally pretty good. Aug 15, 2011 at 16:47
var x = 4.5678;
Math.round(x * 10) / 10; // 4.6
Math.round(x * 100) / 100; // 4.57

Where the number of 0s of multiplication and division is the decimal point you are aiming for.


I propose you do what Daff suggests, but if you want the trailing "0", you will need to add it onto the string:

var num = 4.59;
var rounded = num.toFixed(1) + '0';

Also, if you want the number as a number rather than a string, use:

Math.round(num * 10);

As Emil suggested. If you then want to display it with the trailing 0, do:

Math.round(num * 10).toFixed(2);

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