I have seen this asked and followed everything but it simply doesnt work for me

Could anyone tell me if they see anything wrong here? Im not very good at this yet, I am sure it must be something simple.

My goal is to display a popUp once the page is loaded.

Any help is appreciated!

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">

            function showPopUp() {
                var where = "images/popup.jpg";
                var title = "";
                var comment = "";           

                $.prettyPhoto.open(where, title, comment);


  • 1
    what is the error (if any) that there is in the console?
    – Naftali
    Aug 15, 2011 at 21:40
  • Hmm good question, let me figure out how to check that, excuse me I am new to this.
    – Stefan
    Aug 15, 2011 at 21:54
  • 1
    and there you go. you just solved it -- yay
    – Naftali
    Aug 15, 2011 at 21:56
  • Yep just did thanks for pushing to me use this console. As soon as I saw this error it gave me another search to run on google and I immediately found the solution.
    – Stefan
    Aug 15, 2011 at 22:00
  • You should really post your solution as an answer and then accept your own answer. You'll gain some rep points plus this is for the benefit of others.
    – Sparky
    Aug 15, 2011 at 22:08

1 Answer 1


Problem has been fixed in version 3.0.3.

Solution was found here: isSet is not defined

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