I'm trying to use meta_search for global search and models search.

for models search, in index file of the model. i create a form_for with this code.

<%= form_for @search, :url => building_path, :html => {:method => :get} do |f| %>
<%= f.label :name %>
<%= f.text_field :city %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

my model controller have this code

def index
@search = Building.search(params[:search])
@buildings = @search.all

But, when i try to show the index for my building, i have this error message

ActionController::RoutingError in Buildings#index

Showing /Users/stephanebaribeau/Sites/cadifice/app/views/buildings/index.html.erb where line #4 raised:

No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller=>"buildings"}

Extracted source (around line #4):

1: <h1>Listing buildings</h1>
4: <%= form_for @search, :url => building_path, :html => {:method => :get} do |f| %>
5:   <%= f.label :name %>
6:   <%= f.text_field :city %>
7:   <%= f.submit %>

my routes.rb have this resources :buildings do resources :floors end

i tried without plurial, same error.

my rake routes give me that

       building_floors GET    /buildings/:building_id/floors(.:format)            {:controller=>"floors", :action=>"index"}
                       POST   /buildings/:building_id/floors(.:format)            {:controller=>"floors", :action=>"create"}
    new_building_floor GET    /buildings/:building_id/floors/new(.:format)        {:controller=>"floors", :action=>"new"}
   edit_building_floor GET    /buildings/:building_id/floors/:id/edit(.:format)   {:controller=>"floors", :action=>"edit"}
        building_floor GET    /buildings/:building_id/floors/:id(.:format)        {:controller=>"floors", :action=>"show"}
                       PUT    /buildings/:building_id/floors/:id(.:format)        {:controller=>"floors", :action=>"update"}
                       DELETE /buildings/:building_id/floors/:id(.:format)        {:controller=>"floors", :action=>"destroy"}
             buildings GET    /buildings(.:format)                                {:controller=>"buildings", :action=>"index"}
                       POST   /buildings(.:format)                                {:controller=>"buildings", :action=>"create"}
          new_building GET    /buildings/new(.:format)                            {:controller=>"buildings", :action=>"new"}
         edit_building GET    /buildings/:id/edit(.:format)                       {:controller=>"buildings", :action=>"edit"}
              building GET    /buildings/:id(.:format)                            {:controller=>"buildings", :action=>"show"}
                       PUT    /buildings/:id(.:format)                            {:controller=>"buildings", :action=>"update"}
                       DELETE /buildings/:id(.:format)                            {:controller=>"buildings", :action=>"destroy"}

whats wrong with my routes? thanks

2 Answers 2


Change the url to buildings_path instead of building_path like this:

 <%= form_for @search, :url => buildings_path, :html => {:method => :get} do |f| %>

You are using building_path in your form_for line, which will take you to the buildings/:id i.e. show page. You should use buildings_path, which takes you to the index page.

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