I am trying to send c-style array of integers to objective-c method, but in method I recieve only first element of array. This is an example:

int a[3];
a[0] = 111;   a[1] = 222;   a[2] = 333;
[self getMatrix:a];


    return;      -- breakpoint here

So, when debugging stops at breakpoint, i have matrix:

matrix  int *   0xbfffddd4
*matrix int 111

Where are other elements? So, 2d-arrays become to 1d array, 3d-array become 2d-array etc. What I am doing wrong?


P.S. NSArray is working fine ofc, but I can't imagine how to work with multidimensional (3d, 4d) NSArrays w/o writing tonns of code.

  • You can put NSArrays as elements of NSArrays. And for solving your problem you should have a look into call by reference.
    – dasdom
    Aug 22, 2011 at 15:45

2 Answers 2

    int a = matrix[0];
    int b = matrix[1];
    int c = matrix[2];

You will see that the values are correct. There is nothing wrong. The debugger is only showing *matrix which is the first element. Here matrix itself is a pointer to integer or int *.


You need to send pointer to first item and size of array through.

See how

- (void)setLineDash:(const CGFloat *)pattern count:(NSInteger)count phase:(CGFloat)phase

in NSBezierPath does this.


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