I have written an application using Seam 2.2.1 & MySQL which is working. I am now trying to connect the application to Informix and when I execute a query from hibernate(select user from User user) I am getting the following exceptions:

org.hibernate.exception.genericjdbcexception could not execute query

when i execute a query as select user.id,user.name from User user it's executed successefuly.

The Generated sql is

select first 2 user0_.USER_ID as USER1_120_, user0_.dateOfBirth as dateOfBi2_120_, user0_.enabled as enabled120_, user0_.forename as forename120_, user0_.password as password120_, user0_.surname as surname120_, user0_.userName as userName120_ from anetidb.user user0_ where username=?

The Stacktrace of exception:

12:00:24,407 INFO [IntegerType] could not read column value from result set: USER1_120_; No such column name 12:00:24,665 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: -79738, SQLState: IX000 12:00:24,873 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] No such column name

And i Use org.hibernate.dialect.InformixDialect as hibernate.dialect

Have you an idea about the problem?

Thks For Help.

  • Have you sepecified the appropriate dialect? What's the stack trace of the exception? What's the generated SQL?
    – JB Nizet
    Sep 16, 2011 at 12:10
  • The Stacktrace of exception: 12:00:24,407 INFO [IntegerType] could not read column value from result set: USER1_120_; No such column name 12:00:24,665 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: -79738, SQLState: IX000 12:00:24,873 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] No such column name And i Use org.hibernate.dialect.InformixDialect as hibernate.dialect Sep 16, 2011 at 13:23

2 Answers 2


Googling for "No such column name" informix hibernate has led me to the following Hibernate bug report, which describes exactly the same problem: https://hibernate.onjira.com/browse/HBX-1126

The solution seems to remove the parameter DELIMIDENT=y from the datasource URL.

  • 1
    Anis, marking this answer as accepted would be the social stackoverflow way to show your gratitude
    – Jan Groth
    Sep 16, 2011 at 19:18

You meant this query:


Because the select tag in HQL doesn't have to be specified when you want to retrieve all the properties of the object.

  • From User return the same exception also, there is no difference, i don't understand how to retrieve all the propreties of objects with informix and hibernate. Sep 16, 2011 at 13:14
  • He says he is using JPA, and in JPQL the "SELECT user" is MANDATORY FOR PORTABLE CODE. Jan 2, 2016 at 18:17

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