I'm building an app that requires login for Facebook to send the OAuth token to the server.

The Facebook API is a bit bulky and adds a lot that I do not need. I was using share kit, but then realized that it doesn't use OAuth but rather the deprecated session key method.

I poked around github and done some searching but haven't found something the seems to be what I am looking for.


  • How do I get Facebook Oauth token in an iPhone app without using the Facebook iOS API. The Facebook API does not seem to work on Xcode 4.2 Oct 25, 2011 at 20:41
  • I found a great solution that was incredibly simple using UIWebview:raywenderlich.com/1488/… Oct 26, 2011 at 14:45

1 Answer 1


You could probably implement your own stripped-down 'SDK' with just the authentication code, but i think it'd be a lot of hassle for not much benefit - the authentication docs are at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/ and should give enough info to implement login from scratch - not sure it'd be easy to implement the IOS SSO functionality though - this may be tied closely with the Facebook IOS SDK


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