I realise that in vim, I can highlight trailing spaces at the end of a line using

match /\s\+$/

Now I would like to exclude those lines that contain exactly one space from being matched. How do I go about doing this? (It does not need to be a single line/regex.)

2 Answers 2


match /\(\S\zs\s\+$\)\|\(^\s\{2,}$\)/

This should work - breaking it down into 2 sections

Part 1 - search for spaces at the end of a line that has other stuff on the line: \(\S\zs\s\+$\)
not a space \S,
then start matching \zs,
1 or more spaces at the end of the line \s\+$

OR match \|

Part 2 - Search for more than one space which is the entire line: \(^\s\{2,}$\)
start at the beginning of the line ^
search for at least 2 spaces \s\{2,}
at the end of the line $

  • Yes! Amazing, exactly what I was hoping for, thanks a lot! Also, thank you for the explanation. :)
    – jonny
    Oct 30, 2011 at 22:45
  • 1
    Also consider a shorter regular expression: \(^ $\)\@!\&\s\+$.
    – ib.
    Oct 31, 2011 at 8:02
  • @ib. - nice, I was playing around with @ and & and couldn't get them working right.
    – evan
    Oct 31, 2011 at 8:34

This matches all lines that contain more than one space, leaving out lines that contain one space.

match /\s\s\+$/
  • I love the idea but this will also hide single spaces at the end of regular lines that consist of more than a space.
    – jonny
    Oct 30, 2011 at 17:19

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