I have a form with the following fields. For some strange reason phone and message are not being sent in the post request.

<form id="contact-form" method="post" action="contact.php" name="contactform">
        <div class="float-left">
            <label for="Name">Full Name</label>
            <input id="name" type="text" name="name" />
            <label for="Email">Email Address</label>
            <input id="email" type="text" name="email" />
            <label for="Phone">Phone Number</label>
            <input name="phone" type="text" id="phone" />
        <div class="float-right">
            <label for=comments accesskey=C>Message</label>
            <textarea id="comments" rows="10" cols="10" 
            <button id="submit" type="submit">Send Enquiry</button>
        <div class="clear"></div>


email   [email protected]
name    Joe Bloggs
name=Joe Bloggs&email=ukkgfpower%40hotmail.com&phone=&comments=
  • phone and comments are there. There are just empty: &phone=&comments=. What happens when you populate the fields and post your form? Nov 1, 2011 at 18:18
  • I see that phone is being sent just fine, there's no value but it is being sent. You don't have any form element with a name of message, did you mean comments? If so, i see that too. Nov 1, 2011 at 18:18
  • yes sorry I meant comment and phone are not being sent, yet they are filled out in the form. Could something else affect them Nov 1, 2011 at 18:21
  • @KeithPower Are you checking for these in the script you're submitting to "contact.php"? And are the other fields being passed correctly? As the others have said, I tested the code you have and it works fine. Nov 1, 2011 at 18:29
  • 1
    Is it possible that you have some kind of javascript running that might be stripping them out? This was my problem. I had a script for making placeHolder work in IE, and it was removing form items.
    – Jake
    Dec 28, 2011 at 21:56

1 Answer 1


the problem was the field names were not set correctly in the js file that handles the ajax submitting

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