How do I do a diff of two strings or arrays in Ruby?

  • I have reworded this question in the hope that it can now be reopened. I think the question was valid, just worded in a way that made it sound like it would result in a lot of opinion answers. If you want to help reopen this, you should see a tiny "reopen" link just under the "ruby" and "diff" question tags.
    – Gerry
    Jun 30, 2016 at 23:38
  • this is about the 10th question that i've found this week that has been flagged as off topic. it's not off topic. it's a great question. please please, hall monitors, stop doing this. Feb 16, 2017 at 11:34
  • For strings you can use this answer stackoverflow.com/a/42573286/745489
    – Dzmitry
    Mar 3, 2017 at 7:44

12 Answers 12


For arrays, use the minus operator. For example:

>> foo = [1, 2, 3]
=> [1, 2, 3]
>> goo = [2, 3, 4]
=> [2, 3, 4]
>> foo - goo
=> [1]

Here the last line removes everything from foo that is also in goo, leaving just the element 1. I don't know how to do this for two strings, but until somebody who knows posts about it, you could just convert each string to an array, use the minus operator, and then convert the result back.

  • 2
    This is incorrect. foo = [1,2,3] bar = [4,5,6] foo - bar # => [1,2,3] Ruby's implementation is correct, but I don't thin this is what the question asked for. Aug 24, 2010 at 6:59
  • 6
    To get around Chris L's point, you can do (foo - bar) + (bar - foo). To get all differences between the arrays (or strings if you use .to_a) Jul 21, 2011 at 0:05

I got frustrated with the lack of a good library for this in ruby, so I wrote http://github.com/samg/diffy. It uses diff under the covers, and focuses on being convenient, and providing pretty output options.

  • 2
    I am using diffy for one of my projects. Simply works. Thanks.
    – ardsrk
    Feb 29, 2012 at 7:13

diff.rb is what you want, which is available at http://users.cybercity.dk/~dsl8950/ruby/diff.html via internet archive:



For strings, I would first try out the Ruby Gem that @sam-saffron mentioned below. It's easier to install: http://github.com/pvande/differ/tree/master

gem install differ

require 'differ'

one = "one two three"
two = "one two 3"

Differ.format = :color
puts Differ.diff_by_word(one, two).to_s

Differ.format = :html
puts Differ.diff_by_word(one, two).to_s
t=s2.chars; s1.chars.map{|c| c == t.shift ? c : '^'}.join

This simple line gives a ^ in the positions that don't match. That's often enough and it's copy/paste-able.

  • Thanks for the edit Michal, that's clearly better than what I wrote!
    – Steve
    Jan 6, 2019 at 22:46

The HTMLDiff that @da01 mentions above worked for me.

script/plugin install git://github.com/myobie/htmldiff.git

# bottom of environment.rb
require 'htmldiff'

# in model
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend HTMLDiff

# in view
<h1>Revisions for <%= @page.name %></h1>
<% @page.revisions.each do |revision| %>
    <b>Revised <%= distance_of_time_in_words_to_now revision.created_at %> ago</b><BR>
      <%= Page.diff(
      ) %>
<% end %>

# in style.css
ins.diffmod, ins.diffins { background: #d4fdd5; text-decoration: none; }
del.diffmod, del.diffdel { color: #ff9999; }

Looks pretty good. By the way I used this with the acts_as_audited plugin.


There is also diff-lcs which is available as a gem. It hasn't been updated since 2004 but we have been using it without any problem.

Edit: A new version was released in 2011. Looks like it's back in active development.


  • Has anybody been successful in using this for HTML?
    – aaandre
    Feb 28, 2012 at 2:55

I just found a new project that seems pretty flexible:


Trying it out and will try to post some sort of report.


I had the same doubt and the solution I found is not 100% ruby, but is the best for me. The problem with diff.rb is that it doesn't have a pretty formatter, to show the diffs in a humanized way. So I used diff from the OS with this code:

 def diff str1, str2
   system "diff #{file_for str1} #{file_for str2}"

 def file_for text
   exp = Tempfile.new("bk", "/tmp").open
  • 1
    using temporary files is generally a bad idea when you have an in memory option available.
    – epochwolf
    Oct 15, 2009 at 19:15
  • 1
    @epochwolf How are you making diff read from memory? It only supports diffing files as far as I'm aware.
    – Gerry
    Apr 3, 2016 at 1:17

Just for the benefit of Windows people: diffy looks brilliant but I belive it will only work on *nix (correct me if I'm wrong). Certainly it didn't work on my machine.

Differ worked a treat for me (Windows 7 x64, Ruby 1.8.7).

  • There is some Windows support baked in now. There's some details about what kind of setup you need to do in the README. github.com/samg/diffy#on-windows
    – samg
    Dec 28, 2012 at 7:23

Maybe Array.diff via monkey-patch helps...



To get character by character resolution I added a new function to damerau-levenshtein gem

require "damerau-levenshtein"
differ = DamerauLevenshtein::Differ.new
differ.run "Something", "Smothing"
# returns ["S<ins>o</ins>m<subst>e</subst>thing", 
#  "S<del>o</del>m<subst>o</subst>thing"]

or with parsing:

require "damerau-levenshtein"
require "nokogiri"

differ = DamerauLevenshtein::Differ.new
res = differ.run("Something", "Smothing!")
nodes = Nokogiri::XML("<root>#{res.first}</root>")

markup = nodes.root.children.map do |n|
  case n.name
  when "text"
  when "del"
  when "ins"
  when "subst"

puts markup

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