Is there anyway to use openmp with dev c++. I have seen links on how to use in Visual Studio, but i am more comfortable with Dev C++ interface. Adding /openmp in the linker command line doesnt work either. I couldnt find the library to download too. Am i missing something. I tried running this sample code:

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    #pragma omp parallel
       printf("Hello, world.\n");
   return 0;

From where I read it was mentioned Output on a computer with 2 Cores and 2 threads will be hello world printed twice. I have a core i7 but it was printed only once.

  • Where do you create a second thread? And FYI those headers are deprecated in C++. Nov 7, 2011 at 15:09
  • @Tomalak The second thread is created by OpenMP, and the headers are just fine if this is C (but yeah, the question suggests that it’s C++). Nov 7, 2011 at 15:11
  • 2
    Dev-C++ is outdated. Its development has stopped half a decade ago. Please use a modern IDE. Nov 7, 2011 at 15:14

5 Answers 5


Tools > Compiler Options > Check the option "Add the following commands when compiler is called" > in the text area put "-fopenmp"

Compile and execute again :)

  • This helps. I think this is the answer that should be selected as the right one since the other one doesn't tell you how to do this on Dev C++.
    – Babaji
    Mar 27, 2020 at 17:59

I do not know Dev C++, but to enable openmp you also need to add the flag -fopenmp to your compiler. Additional to linking to omp.

With g++ it look like this

g++ yourProgram.cpp -o yourProgram -lgomp -fopenmp

-fopenmp will tell the compiler to generate parallel code. I hope this will help.

  • Dev-C++ is an IDE. It invokes g++ by default (albeit the MinGW port). Nov 7, 2011 at 15:10

You have to include -fopenmp in

  1. Project-> Project Option->Parameters - Link and
  2. Tools ->Compiler Options (General) (check "add the following commands when calling the compiler" and include -fopenmp in the textBox

I have also included #include <omp.h> dev-c++ version 5.6.1


there is only the parallel region , the processor is informed that there is what parallelize , but as is parallelize the code they have to say via builders, probably what you want to use : #pragma omp sections


I guess you also have to include the header file #include < omp.h > separately

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