Im trying to to write a program in C# and I'm stuck. The program suppose to create a post on wordpress via xmlrpc. I can create the post successfully but I have problems creating custom fields for the post. So when I open created post, custom fields are never there. I hope some of you gurus can help me as I am stuck for 3 days now and cant figure out what to do, feel absolutely helpless:(

Heres some code:

public struct customField
            public string key;
            public string value; 
        public struct newPost
            public string[] categories;
            public string title;
            public string description;
            public string mt_excerpt;
            public customField[] cf;
public interface IcreatePost
           string NewPost(int blogId, string strUserName,
               string strPassword, newPost content, int publish);

Heres how I set values for the object

    customField newCustomField2 = default(customField);

    newCustomField2.key = "some data";

    newCustomField2.value = "some data";

    newPost newBlogPost = default(newPost);
    newBlogPost.title = "Some Title";
    newBlogPost.description = "Some Content";
    newBlogPost.cf = new customField[] { newCustomField2 };

Function called:

public void createPost(newPost np)

            string postid;
            icp = (IcreatePost)XmlRpcProxyGen.Create(typeof(IcreatePost));
            clientProtocol = (XmlRpcClientProtocol)icp;
            clientProtocol.Url = "";
                postid = icp.NewPost(1, "admin", "1234", np, 1); 

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("createPost ERROR ->"+ ex.Message);

1 Answer 1


My only guess here would be that there is a naming mismatch in your parameters. The documentation that I've seen says that the field inside the newPost struct should be custom_fields rather than cf:

public struct newPost
    public string[] categories;
    public string title;
    public string description;
    public string mt_excerpt;
    public customField[] custom_fields;

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