How can I go about implementing the following use case with AJAX? I read this question which was the closest I could find to my use case but I'm still unsure on how to get started.

Use Case

I enter a quantity number, say '3', into an input text field for a ticket item. After entering this value, 3 formsets appear below with an email field.

Conceptually, I'm thinking, on the change of the input value, load the django formset variable like

    {% for form in formset %}
    {{ form }}
    {% endfor %}

within the javascript onChange function but I'm not sure how to actually do this.

1 Answer 1


I have a similar use case where a formset can be either rendered by a standard http response or by a Ajax load.

My DRY solution is :

standard http response (the whole page)

The view instanciate the formset, render the template, but in it I have an {% include "path/to/formset-snippet.html %} tag (surrounded by a with tag for reusability with the following).

AJAX response

I make a Ajax call to render a html fragment in the DOM node (say a ). In JQuery this is something like that :

$("#my_container").load(url, function(response, status, xhr) {
      if (status == "error") {
        $(this).html("Sorry but there was an error: " + 
                     xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText +
                     '<div style="height:300px; overflow:scroll;">' + 
                     response + "</div>");

The view instanciate the same formset and render formset-snippet.html. Here an exemple of MyModel having images associated with :

def images_formset(request, object_id):
    instance = MyModel.objects.get(pk=object_id)
    prefix = request.GET.get('form_prefix', None)
    formset = ImageMyModelFormSet(instance=instance, prefix=prefix)
    return render_to_response('my_app/images_my_model_form_snippet.html', {
                              'images_my_model_formset': formset,
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

Hope it can helps.

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