I am trying to use these custom MacOSX-style check boxes on my site (it's a jQuery plugin), but when I check one, it doesn't actually trigger the $('#input').is(':checked'); until you uncheck and then it gets messed up.

Whenever you check a box, I add some CSS to the line that is checked to add a yellow background to it. But, I'm having trouble with them. This image explains it below:

enter image description here

I don't understand why it does this. This is my checkIt() function that adds the yellow background when you check a line:

function checkIt(id) {
    if ($('#checkbox_' + id).is(':checked')) {
        $('#' + id).addClass("selected");
    else {
        $('#' + id).removeClass("selected");

And I call this onclick when the checkbox is clicked. Here is some example markup that is generated by the PHP:

<span class="inbox_check_holder">
<input type="checkbox" value="96874" onclick="checkIt(96874)" id="checkbox_96874" class="inbox_check" />
<div class="star_clicker" id="star_96874" onclick="addStar(96874)" title="Not starred"><span id="starimg_96874" class="not_starred"></span></div>

I'm thinking it is something to do with this custom checkbox jQuery plugin adding in extra elements over the <input />.

Here's the jQuery checkbox plugin page if you need to see it, they have tons of examples on it. (Obviously) I am using the "Safari" skin.

1 Answer 1



 $('#' + id).addClass("selected");
 $('#' + id).removeClass("selected");


with jquery 1.7 you can use on

$("body").on("change", ".inbox_check", function(e){
     $('#' + id).addClass("selected");
     $('#' + id).removeClass("selected");


delegate example

$("body").delegate(".inbox_check","change", function(e){
     $('#' + id).addClass("selected");
     $('#' + id).removeClass("selected");


  • Would I put that in my checkIt() function?
    – Nathan
    Nov 19, 2011 at 3:24
  • sorry i didnt mentioned it in the answer, you dont need the onClick event of the checkbox when using the above code
    – Rafay
    Nov 19, 2011 at 3:25
  • My PHP dynamically creates the HTML, and I have to pass the ID in the function which is why I'm using onclick. I don't like using onclick that much, but for this I have to because of the IDs that need to be passed.
    – Nathan
    Nov 19, 2011 at 3:26
  • if you are dynamically generating the html use live, or delegate, or on (jquery 1.7), updated the answer, also you have the class name you dont need the ids...
    – Rafay
    Nov 19, 2011 at 3:29
  • But then how do I highlight the background of the selected line? When you click a checkbox, it is supposed to change the background of the message line. (you can see in my screenshot above) And, id is no longer defined. I do understand that I can use .inbox_check for the onchange, but the ID of the line to change the background of the selected message is why i need to pass the ID.
    – Nathan
    Nov 19, 2011 at 3:42

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