I am have a function called ..

-(BOOL)isDateOkForHistory:(NSDate *)dtHist
    bool dateOkForHistory = false;

    for(NSInteger i=0;i<m_histCount;i++)
           if(dtHist > [m_dtHistory objectAtIndex:i])
               //execute some condition.....

here m_dtHistory is a NSMutableArray.......So my doubt is whether the if statement which i am checking is right..?

Regards Ranjit

1 Answer 1


NSDate objects should be compared using compare: method.

if ([dtHist compare:[m_dtHistory objectAtIndex:i]] == NSOrderedDescending) {


Documentation: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/NSDate_Class/Reference/Reference.html


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