I want to change strings with the odd """ such as:

He said: "I don't think so"

To be:

He said: "I don't think so"

My current code is:

$sentence = addslashes(preg_replace('/^\&quot\;$/','\"',$var));

What is my problem in the code?


3 Answers 3


^ and $ will only match the start and end of the whole string (or a whole line in /m mode). Since " doesn't appear like that, your regex whole match it. Just remove the ^ and $ and it should work.

BTW, perhaps you want to use html_entity_decode() instead.


You are probably better off using PHPs htmlspecialchars_decode():

$var = "He said: "I don't think so"";
$sentence = htmlspecialchars_decode($var);

This one may solve your problem:

$yourstring = "He said: "I don't think so"";
$newstring = str_replace(""","\"",$yourstring);

echo $newstring;
  • +1 for noting that the target is a fixed length literal string. For this case str_replace() will be faster than preg_replace(). Dec 26, 2011 at 16:37

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