I want to convert a number of unicode codepoints read from a file to their UTF8 encoding.

e.g I want to convert the string 'FD9B' to the string 'EFB69B'.

I can do this manually using string literals like this:


but I cannot work out how to do it programatically.


6 Answers 6


Use the built-in function chr() to convert the number to character, then encode that:

>>> chr(int('fd9b', 16)).encode('utf-8')

This is the string itself. If you want the string as ASCII hex, you'd need to walk through and convert each character c to hex, using hex(ord(c)) or similar.

Note: If you are still stuck with Python 2, you can use unichr() instead.

  • 4
    The output is not as specified by the question. Anyway, if the OP is happy…
    – tzot
    May 15, 2009 at 19:55
  • 6
    FYI for Py3K it's chr(int('fd9b', 16)).encode('utf-8'). Jul 15, 2014 at 12:11
  • @tzot: ''.join('{:02X}'.format(n) for n in chr(int('FD9B', 16)).encode()) gives the string 'EFB69B' in Python 3.
    – CodeManX
    Apr 7, 2016 at 20:36
  • I edited your answer to go with the Python 3 solution and adding a note in case someone is still stuck with Python 2. I hope you don't mind... chr(int('1f607', 16))
    – Peque
    Apr 4, 2020 at 17:43

here's a complete solution:

>>> ''.join(['{0:x}'.format(ord(x)) for x in unichr(int('FD9B', 16)).encode('utf-8')]).upper()
Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Apr 16 2009, 09:17:39) 
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5250)] on darwin
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>>> u'\uFD9B'.encode('utf-8')
>>> s = 'FD9B'
>>> i = int(s, 16)
>>> i
>>> unichr(i)
>>> _.encode('utf-8')

If the input string length is a multiple of 4 (i.e. your unicode code points are UCS-2 encoded), then try this:

import struct

def unihex2utf8hex(arg):
    count= len(arg)//4
    uniarr= struct.unpack('!%dH' % count, arg.decode('hex'))
    return u''.join(map(unichr, uniarr)).encode('utf-8').encode('hex')

>>> unihex2utf8hex('fd9b')

Because you might encounter an error while using unichr with wide unicode characters:

>>> n = int('0001f600', 16)
>>> unichr(n)
ValueError: unichr() arg not in range(0x10000) (narrow Python build)

Here is another approach for wide unicode on narrow python builds:

>>> n = int('0001f600', 16)
>>> s = '\\U{:0>8X}'.format(n)
>>> s = s.decode('unicode-escape')
>>> s.encode("utf-8")

And using the original question's value:

>>> n = int('FD9B', 16)
>>> s = '\\u{:0>4X}'.format(n)
>>> s = s.decode('unicode-escape')
>>> s.encode("utf-8")

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