I thought this would have been an easy thing to find but I've failed.

If I use GPars in my Groovy application and I don't specify a pool size how many threads will be created? Is there a default pool size without setting one?

// How many threads will be created? What is the default pool size?
GParsExecutorsPool.withPool {
    // do stuff...

2 Answers 2


It is (by default) set to

private static int defaultPoolSize() {
  return Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1;

You can alter this (I believe) by setting a System property called gpars.poolsize to a valid Integer

  • Why is it "availableProcessors" plus one? I'd expect it to be minus one, to leave one available for other systems? (unless of course you only have one to begin with!) May 11, 2016 at 5:57

As many as you have CPU units plus one, as shown by the PoolUtils class source, or from a system property

retrieveDefaultPoolSize() is called once as a final static variable by the GParsPool class when it's initialized

  • Thanks, upvoted you for the source link. But had to give tim_yates the answer for being first :-)
    – C0deAttack
    Jan 12, 2012 at 17:24

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