I am currently trying to learn how to make a bootloader, and eventually an OS by studying open source code. The project I selected is MikeOS: http://mikeos.berlios.de/

While I was reading the bootloader code, I got stuck at the part where the code calculates the Head/Cylinder/Sector for BIOS INT 13h call, trying to read root directories from the disk.

If I understood correctly, the root directory begins at Sector 19. (Sector 0: Boot record, Sector 1 to 9: FAT12 copy 1, Sector 10 to 18: FAT12 copy 2) So, I think after the call, the output of the routine should be: Head 0, Track 1, Sector 19

However, when I follow the calculation, I obtain Head 1 (DL), Track 0 (CH), Sector 2 (CL) in corresponding register.

I might have done it wrong, but are these numbers what I am supposed to get? I don't question the code, since it is a working code. Apparently, I am missing some concept about either the partition table, or about the disk addressing.

Can anyone see what I may have done wrong, and how to correct it?

The routine is shown below: (comments are written by the designer)

Before the call:

mov ax, 19                          ; Root dir starts at logical sector 19

12hts:   ; Calculate head, track and sector settings for int 13h
         ; IN: logical sector in AX, OUT: correct registers for int 13h

push bx
push ax

mov bx, ax                          ; Save logical sector

mov dx, 0
div word [SectorsPerTrack]          ; First the sector
add dl, 01h                         ; Physical sectors start at 1

mov cl, dl                          ; Sectors belong in CL for int 13h
mov ax, bx

mov dx, 0                           ; Now calculate the head
div word [SectorsPerTrack]
mov dx, 0
div word [Sides]
mov dh, dl                          ; Head/side
mov ch, al                          ; Track

pop ax
pop bx

mov dl, byte [bootdev]              ; Set correct device


bootdev         db   0   ; Boot device number
SectorPerTrack  dw  18   ; Sectors per track (36/cylinder)
Sides           dw   2   ; Number of sides/heads

2 Answers 2


Keep in mind that the CHS stuff is for floppies only. Nowadays, you'll be using a HDD or even a USB device and your drive will most likely be formatted in FAT32.

At that point, you'll have to use the LBA to calculate your INT 13h values:

C = LBA ÷ (HPC × SPT)

H = (LBA ÷ SPT) mod HPC

S = (LBA mod SPT) + 1

For instance, Sector 2048 (where the 1st partition will most likely be, using qemu-img for example) will be CX = 0x0221 (C = 2, S = 21, H = 0)

Sadly enough, it took me a while to figure this out. I was doing the CHS calculation and I was getting the wrong values...

  • Shouldn't it be CPH instead of HPC (CylindersPerHead instead of HeadsPerCylinder)? Jan 8, 2019 at 19:45

The simple answer is that logical sector 19 is the 20th sector (numbering starts at 0). 20 divided by 18 sectors per track results in a remainder of 2. Sector numbering begins at 1 so the sector number is 2. There is only one physical disk in a floppy disk and thus 2 sides - head 0 and head 1. The 2nd sector of the 2nd side is cylinder 0 (numbering starts at 0) and the 2nd side is head 1 (numbering starts at 0). Head 1 (DL), Cylinder 0 (CH), Sector 2 (CL)

The happy answer is that the latest version of MikeOS will boot and run from a USB flash drive. Say goodbye to floppy disks (if you can find one).

  • Thanks for the kind response Mike. Much appreciated. Feb 1, 2012 at 22:48
  • 1
    It turns out that I was missing an important fact. When disk was written, I thought that data fills the head 0 first and moves to the head 1. In other words, I thought the track 1 was on the head 0, while it is actually on the head 1. I hope this helps for someone who has the same question or trouble understanding it as I did. Feb 1, 2012 at 23:07
  • Track are numbered from 0 up, starting at the edge of the disk and moving inwards. Then you change the head 0 (upper surface of the disk) to the head 1 (the "other side" of the disk) and the numeration of tracks starts again from 0. Upper track 0 (being read by head 0) and lower track 0 (being read by head 1) lay one above the other, in the same cylinder. Thus, all tracks in the same cylinder have the same number, but make "layers", as floors in a building.
    – SasQ
    Feb 5, 2015 at 1:59

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