
I m getting a request, when i use echo it prints it out on the shell and everything is awesome.

I want to write human readable string to file.

When i try to write these messages to file. i see binary string.

like this:

6^@8^@3^@7^@8^@1^@0^@,^@,^@1^@1^@b^@c^@d^@9^@0^@f^@-^@e^@3^@3^@a^@-^@4^@e^@0^@5^@-^@9^@e^@3^@d^@-^@5^@f^@a^@1^@8^@3^@4^@f^@d^@5^@e^@7^@,^@,^@:^@:^@1^@,^@M^@o^@z^@i^@l^@l^@a^@/^@5^@.^@0^@ ^@(^@W^@i^@n^@d^@o^@w^@s^@ ^@N^@T^@ ^@6^@.^@1^@;^@
 ^@W^@O^@W^@6^@4^@;^@ ^@r^@v^@:^@9^@.^@0^@.^@1^@)^@ ^@G^@e^@c^@k^@o^@/^@2^@0^@1^@0^@0^@1^@0^@1^@ ^@F^@i^@r^@e^@f^@o^@x^@/^@9^@.^@0^@.^@1^@,^@F^@i^@r^@e^@f^@o^@x^@,^@9^@.^@0^@,^@W^@i^@n^@d^@o^@w^@s^@,^@,^@0^@,^@0^@,^@0^@,^@0^@,^@0^@,^@,^@
 ^@:^@:^@1^@,^@ ^@1^@/^@2^@1^@/^@2^@0^@1^@2^@ ^@5^@:^@4^@5^@:^@5^@0^@ ^@P^@M^@

but i expect this:

6837817,,01497aed-181b-4054-b68f-3b41b4e707fc,,::1,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:9.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/9.0.1,Firefox,9.0,Windows,,0,0,0,0,0,, ::1, 1/21/2012 5:45:51 PM

ok i saw that there are methods like pack and unpack to get string from binary string but i failed.


$context = new ZMQContext();
$receiver = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL);

$fp = fopen('data.txt', 'w');

$str = $receiver->recv();

echo $str."\n";

file_put_contents('foo.txt', $str);

//fwrite($fp, $str."\n");


How can i get this done? I just wanted to write the string to file:(

Also, is this an expensive operation?

  • Why are you (un)packing to begin with? What is that string? What's wrong with simply writing it to a file?
    – deceze
    Jan 22, 2012 at 1:43
  • i see crap . i mean binary when i write to file. when i print out with echo, i get string representation but not in a file.
    – DarthVader
    Jan 22, 2012 at 1:44
  • What exactly do you see in the file? And more importantly, how are you checking what's in the file? And what do you expect to see?
    – deceze
    Jan 22, 2012 at 1:47
  • @deceze see edit. I m checking with less
    – DarthVader
    Jan 22, 2012 at 1:48
  • Why don't you just skip the packing and just write the string to the file?
    – deceze
    Jan 22, 2012 at 1:51

2 Answers 2


What you have there isn't binary data, but a different encoding for text. It's some form of UCS-2 I'd say. So you can "decode" it with:

 $string = iconv("UCS-2LE", "UTF-8", $string);

See iconv and UCS-2, BOM FF FE.


What's wrong with file_put_contents? http://php.net/file_put_contents

file_put_contents('file/path.ext', $str);

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