I have a parameterized class. I would like to get the name of the class represented by the class name. For instance, what I want to do is this:

public T foo(){

3 Answers 3


You can't do it this way, since T isn't known at compile time. You could achieve something similar like so:

public void foo(T t) {

Note that this takes an instance of T and would print out the name of its dynamic type.

Whether or not this is a good enough substitute depends on your use case.

  • In addition, this gives you the name of the class of t, which could be a subclass of the type parameter.
    – Stephen C
    Jan 23, 2012 at 14:16
  • @StephenC: This is what I meant by "dynamic type".
    – NPE
    Jan 23, 2012 at 14:19

Java generics don't work that way. If you have any bounds on T, you can access the bounds by querying the type variable definition. E.g.:

public class Foo<T extends Bar>{}

will let you get at Bar, but not at the subtype of Bar you are actually using. It doesn't work, sorry.

Read the Java Generics FAQ for more info.

BTW: One common solution to this problem is to pass the subtype of T into your class, e.g.

public T foo(Class<? extends T> tType){

I know it's cumbersome, but it's all Java generics allow.

  • Actually, you can get what T is. See my answer for how. (Not sure why it was downvoted!)
    – ziesemer
    Jan 24, 2012 at 1:18
  • @ziesemer you can only get at bounds that are actually there. If the above T was declared T extends Something, you could get at the something part. But if your type variables have no bounds there's nothing to get at. Jan 24, 2012 at 7:30
public T foo(T t){

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