I'm getting an error when the Monitor BizTalk Server job runs with the following message: "25 Messages without any references" I'm not seeing any tips on what to do about this, all I know is that I have 25 messages without references. Any idea what causes this or what to do?

  • What job is the Monitor BizTalk Server job? Jan 24, 2012 at 9:07
  • The job comes out of the box with BizTalk to help identify issues and inconsistancies. It has 2 steps. Step one is to execute the stored proc [dbo].[btsmon_Inconsistent] (installed with BizTalk off the shelf). the second is to generate and error using [dbo].[btsmon_GenerateErrorString]
    – TimWagaman
    Jan 24, 2012 at 16:30

1 Answer 1


While I haven't found the cause, I have found the solution. It appears that there is a tool BTS Terminator that is used for catching just these types of issues. For a more complete listing on how to use it follow This Link. It really has a nice integration with MessageBoxViewer also

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