Following is my javascript code. The problem is when I call the send() function it doesnt really respond because x, y and z because they are local variables. I have tried making them global using a few approaches like creating an object but all have failed. Anybody here knows a proper approach to do that?

<script type='text/javascript'>
  function store(x,y,z) {           
      var date = x+" "+y+" "+z;
  function send(){
      var events=document.getElementById("event").value;
      location.href="q.php?day=" + x + "&month=" + y + "&year=" + z;        
  • Would appreciate if you could post more code. How you define the variables. And how you call the function. Best from Jonas
    – Jonas m
    Jan 30, 2012 at 8:25

3 Answers 3


Try this, considering you are calling store function before send

<script type='text/javascript'>
   var xx, yy, zz; //These are your global variables
   function store(x,y,z) {   
      xx = x;
      yy = y;
      zz = z;          
      var date = x + " " + y + " " + z;
      document.getElementById("date").value = date;

   function send(){
      var events = document.getElementById("event").value;
      location.href="q.php?day=" + xx + "&month=" + yy + "&year=" + zz;      

You can create the URL in the store function, then you only need one global variable:

<script type='text/javascript'>

  var url;

  function store(x, y, z) {           
    var date = x + " " + y + " " + z;
    document.getElementById("date").value = date;
    url = "q.php?day=" + x + "&month=" + y + "&year=" + z;

  function send(){
    var events = document.getElementById("event").value;
    location.href = url;


change the name of function send and store

<script type='text/javascript'>
    var xGlobal,yGlobal,zGlobal;
    function mystore(x,y,z) {      
        var date = x+" "+y+" "+z;


    function mysend(){
        var events=document.getElementById("event").value;
        location.href="q.php?day=" + xGlobal + "&month=" + yGlobal + "&year=" + zGlobal;      

see the example in fiddle

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